Friday, April 11, 2008

Thing 20 Libraries and Social Networks

Both Facebook and MySpace are blocked on my computer at a local high school. I'm sure the rationale is that students tend to spend too much computer time at these sites instead of assignments, and/or monopolizing the limited computers when others need them to complete assignments. I will explore these sites from another place.

4/13/08 - Was able to view the YouTube explanation of social networking. Pretty much knew this stuff going in. YouTube is pretty painful with a dial-up...slow and disjointed! Logged on to MySpace and looked around. Visited the Denver Library site. It took a long time to load. Most of the posts seemed to be from book authors. Not really impressed with the HCL site. Guess I'm just not into it. I think a good website would be able to handle these links and posts. Is this just an easier way to set it up?

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